Cancer Fight

Health Updates

Health Updates

As I stated in the last entry, this will be a post that is updated as information comes in about my health. If you found your way here, that means you read the last one and are somewhat interested in what's going on. We appreciate that. The latest updates will always...

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Time For an Update and Time to Move Forward

Time For an Update and Time to Move Forward

It’s been five weeks or so since we received the test results from mid-June. The blogs that I’ve started since then have touched on gearing up for another fight, doubts and fears, and examinations into my motivations for ever starting the blog in the first place.

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Being Positive – Part 2

Being Positive – Part 2

This morning brought the moment of truth.  The doctor walked into the room and gave us the quick synopsis of the PET results.

Being Positive – Part 1

Being Positive – Part 1

Most of the writing I publish in my Blog has a process.  I work on something, edit it, put it down for a few hours, pick it back up, tweak it a little, find an image that fits with it, copy and paste from Word to the Website, give it one last review and hit publish. ...

Our Fight Against Cancer So Far

Our Fight Against Cancer So Far

I have a confession to make.  I knew almost nothing about cancer prior to my diagnosis.  My knowledge was limited to a lot of people die from it, but quite a few don’t.  Either way, it wasn’t something you wanted to deal with. I can confidently say that...

The Top Ten Benefits To Having Urostomy Surgery

The Top Ten Benefits To Having Urostomy Surgery

When I think back to what was going through my mind when I realized I was going to lose my bladder, there was a lot of fear and anxiety with the unknowns involved. No one told me all of the awesome benefits that would come with it.

One Year Down – A Lifetime To Go

One Year Down – A Lifetime To Go

Saturday February 10th represents the one-year anniversary of receiving the diagnosis.  The one where the doctor told us that he couldn’t promise I’d be here in a year.  Just like my 11th grade wrestling season, I have done everything that I was supposed to do and more resulting in reaching a place that few doctors thought I would be: Still here.

Life After Surgery: The Ostomy Adventures

Life After Surgery: The Ostomy Adventures

While I was working at an event in a small Texas town over the weekend, I felt a tap on my shoulder.  When I turned, I saw our oncologist smiling at me.  We were about 50 miles away from the clinic where we normally see her.  After asking me what I was doing out there...

What Is Winning?

What Is Winning?

In 1986, author James P. Carse published a book titled "Finite and Infinite Games” where a finite game is defined as a contest with known players, fixed rules and an agreed upon objective.  There is a clearly defined endpoint and there are winners and...

Just Another Adjustment

Just Another Adjustment

Navigating life is nothing more than making constant adjustments to an ever-changing landscape.  Like most people, I’ve dealt with my fair share of change.  In 3rd grade, my family moved across town, and I had to switch elementary schools in the middle of...

We Got To Ring The Bell

We Got To Ring The Bell

In the chemotherapy room at Texas Oncology in the Willowbrook area of Houston, TX, there is a bell with a sign that says, “Hip Hip Horray! Today is my LAST Chemo Day!”  It’s simple.  When you finish your chemotherapy regimen, you get to ring it.  It...

Confronting Reality and Remaining Resilient

Confronting Reality and Remaining Resilient

The fourth chapter in Jim Collins’s best selling business book, Good to Great, is titled “Confront the Brutal Facts (Yet Never Lose Faith)”.  The book is a case study where similar companies are compared at the points where one took off to become great (based on...