Health Updates

Health Updates

As I stated in the last entry, this will be a post that is updated as information comes in about my health. If you found your way here, that means you read the last one and are somewhat interested in what’s going on. We appreciate that. The latest updates will...
Time For an Update and Time to Move Forward

Time For an Update and Time to Move Forward

Whoever said time flies wasn’t joking. It occurs to me that I have not posted anything in nearly two months. It doesn’t seem that long. To be fair, I started writing updates several times. I just never got to the point where I was happy with the entries. The message...
Being Positive – Part 2

Being Positive – Part 2

In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half the lake? Yesterday (Tuesday 5/28) morning as I pulled into the parking lot...
Being Positive – Part 1

Being Positive – Part 1

Most of the writing I publish in my Blog has a process.  I work on something, edit it, put it down for a few hours, pick it back up, tweak it a little, find an image that fits with it, copy and paste from Word to the Website, give it one last review and hit publish. ...
Our Fight Against Cancer So Far

Our Fight Against Cancer So Far

I have a confession to make.  I knew almost nothing about cancer prior to my diagnosis.  My knowledge was limited to a lot of people die from it, but quite a few don’t.  Either way, it wasn’t something you wanted to deal with. I can confidently say that...