welcome to my personal website

Chris Chelli

Thanks for stopping by. My name is Chris. The only thing I want is to see you win. To win in business, to win in relationships, to win in life.

This website is a place to share my world. It started with a blog about a diagnosis and has become a place where I can let the world know what I am working on.

There are a few business ventures that you can check out below. Feel free to stop by anytime to see what else we can offer.

What We’re Working On

130 Coaching and Consulting exists to help you take your life or your business to the next level. Whether through coaching, mentoring or a hands on approach, your success is what matters.

Home Video Rescue exists to help you preserve your old analog memories to a digital format that can be protected and preserved forever.


Cancer Fight

In February 2023 I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cancer. Part of my coping mechanism was to write about the experience. This is where those stories live.

Coaching & Consulting

Here you can find links to my articles written for 130 Coaching & Consulting